Savvy Sightseer - tips and insights for seasoned travelers!

Brussels' Museum of Original Figurines

Classic Bruges

Ghent Belfort soars almost 300'.

Map of Belgium and its bordering countries
From medieval to modern, Belgium has it all! Picture-perfect Bruges and Ghent are in sharp contrast with the modern side of Brussels, home to the European Union (EU) and birthplace of the Smurfs!

European Union Parliament
Tiny in area – the entire country is barely one-fourth the size of the state of New York – Belgium is nonetheless large in stature. Its geographic location puts it at the crossroads of Europe; bordered by France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the North Sea. Battles have been fought over and through little Belgium, but today it reigns as the de facto capital of Europe and a multi-cultural, multi-lingual nation.
As if history, scenery and politics aren’t enough reasons to visit the region, then there’s the Belgian cuisine – beer, chocolate, waffles, mussels and traditional Carbonnade à la Flamande or Flemish Beef Stew. Definitely something for everyone!

Capital of Belgium, location of the EU and NATO, Brussels is without doubt an eclectic city. Tourists can wander through the cobblestoned old Lower Town, then head for the ultra-modern EU Parlimentarium. Brussels has its frivolous side with museums dedicated to comics – the wildly popular Tintin series and Smurfs’ stories started here – as well as the infamous peeing statue of Mannekin-Pis and his hundreds of outfits donated from all over the world. The city has its stately, serious side, too, with its imposing Royal Palace and the architecturally stunning Grand Place town square. Click on the photo of of the stunning garden at Monts des Arts to enjoy more of this capital city.
Pronounced Broo-gah by locals, Bruges (also spelled Brugges) is a perfect example of a town lost in time. Originally an important governmental and trade center, the town suffered major political and environmental blows that took away its prestige and left it in a cultural bubble. Remarkably intact, Bruges is the place to enjoy a quiet and scenic canal cruise, stop in to marvel at Michelangelo’s Madonna and Child sculpture, and wander through squares and cobbled lanes to be amazed by the incredible architecture. Click the picture of Michelangelo's masterpiece for a closer look at Bruges, and discover the interesting and compelling stories of Bruges and its nearby towns and sights.
Continue your trip through Belgium with a visit to the Brussels or Bruges pages.
For a taste of Belgium, try the traditional Flemish aux Poireaux recipe on the Recipes Tab.
To enjoy the Belgian experience at its fullest, attend a Savvy Sightseer - Belgium Travelogue at a library or community center near you! Check the Programs page for upcoming dates and locations.